Friday, February 4, 2011


Yesterday in careers we took an interest test which was... interesting? We have to answer various questions and at the end it gives you a list of careers best suited to you. It told me that my career best suited for me was a phyciatrist, which I must say I wouldnt mind :) my second one was a pidetrition. EW! I hate feet, I hate my own let alone anybody elses! That would definately NOT be a career choice I would even glance at. Uuugh the thoughts sends shivers down my spine :L Despite that one icky career, the choices it gave me were careers I wouldnt even have thought about but some of them sounded quite interesting and I must admit Im looking at all the other options. I always had my heart set on being a vet and i always said no id never have any other career than that one but I realise maybe there is more than one career suited for me. Well, we shall see what happens :)

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