Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mini Company visit from Orla

On Monday the 4th, Orla from the Enterprise Board came to visit the TY's. When she came she told us to tell the other TY's about our Mini Company Project. There were some really awesome ideas such as the group "Knot a problem". They are making a little pin like thing which can take out knots.
Our group, Me, Saidhbh, Grace, Róisín and Ciara are designing a plug like stopper which will reseal cans. We got the idea because cans are alot cheaper but it sucks because you cant reseal them :/ so we decided to make a reseal-plug. Our group is called "Can-Do" :))
All is going well so far. We are working on our design and we are handing out surveys to other people in the school and also outside school so we can get different opinions and get a rough idea if people would be interested in buying our product.
Were all really excited because at the talk, Orla said that our product was exactly what they would be looking for in the competition and its also a solution to a problem - A resealable can.

-Steph H