Thursday, October 7, 2010

BT Young Scientist

We have been working away at various projects since we have been back at school. One is the BT Young Scientist project. Im in a group with Kate & Aoife :) Were testing C-elegans which are a type of worm, and have a very short lifespan so they are used in labs for testing ageing. We are adding different types of antioxidants to these worms to see if antioxidants can actually make you live longer. We may discover the secret to eternal youth ;DD 
We went to NUI Maynooth where we are getting help with our project and we are allowed to use their lab and facilities there whenever we need too. We also have read ALOT of articles on the C-elegans and how long they live and various other facts that we need to know for our project :)
We also had to write a one page proposal for it which was hard work.
I reeeeally wanna get through to the BT young scientist because it looks like soo much fun when you get through D:

-Steph H

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